Managing ERP Projects – ERP implementations are large projects with a historically high failure rate. How can you prepare yourself and your team for a successful ERP implementation as a project manager?
We’ve compiled a collection of technical ERP project management suggestions based on our experience. These suggestions are a solid starting point for project managers to add their flair based on the ERP system being implemented and the dynamics of the ERP project team.
Best practices for Managing ERP Projects
Create Design and Integration Documents Using Templates
We propose using a uniform template for ERP design and integration papers to ensure consistency among reviewers and approvers. This will allow reviewers to quickly go through massive texts and hone in on complex portions. It also saves time for document authors by reminding them of what aspects to add, such as security and test scripts.
Track report delivery status using DevOps tools
When it comes to reporting, Develops tools have become increasingly sophisticated. If your project uses a DevOps platform, you may retrieve the required data on demand. This eliminates the need for your project team to do double work because they will be finishing tasks in DevOps.
Don’t underestimate the Timeline
Time is based on forecasts for the future and is typically underestimated. If your project sponsors insist on gathering all prerequisites in two months, it’s time to have a reality check. A workstream with four ERP consultants does not mean that four workshops can be held simultaneously.
Be clear about the availability of the team
Knowing your resource capacity is critical for running a live ERP system. Request a schedule from your ERP consultant detailing when they will be on or offsite. It is also crucial to set a holiday timetable for all teams, especially if you are working remotely.
Build a solid plan for the changeover
A changeover plan is a list of operations that must be completed to ready the production environment for end-user use. Loading user IDs, starting batch jobs and connecting hardware components are examples. Creating a changeover strategy includes sequencing all tasks in order of dependency. Develop a changeover plan while the system is being constructed. If you wait until the month before go-live to prepare your changeover strategy during a six-month (or longer) ERP software project, you risk forgetting activities.
Many ERP project managers would miss the omission of organizational change management from our list. Still, you are likely far ahead of your competitors if you did. Now that you’ve mastered the aspects of project management, you might be interested in one of our blogs or maybe more.
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Connected IT Consulting ERP experts can assist your business in managing the people, processes, and technology components of your ERP project.
Request a consultation with our ERP specialists to discuss various project management solutions.
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