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ERP Consulting Services in Ireland

ERP Consulting Company

Ireland ERP consulting firm Connected It Consulting in Ireland has decades of expertise working with companies in a wide range of industries. In the ERP implementation and support process, we apply this business knowledge and expertise to the following tasks:

➔Develop an ERP process mapping that can be documented.
➔Improve efficiency by identifying areas for improvement
➔Make sure that essential operations are protected
➔In order to make better business decisions, ERP for Business offers management with relevant data.

Connected it consulting has a wealth of expertise in implementing contemporary ERP software to provide business owners and managers more productivity, control, visibility, etc. in all aspects of the business.

ERP Consulting

How Enterprise Resource Planning can help your business grow

A real-time, fully integrated ERP system provides:
➔Regular business processes are more efficient.
➔Duplication of boring and time-consuming chores may be eliminated with Enterprise resource planning software.
➔The hazards and inconveniences of data input mistakes can be avoided.
➔Visibility into the performance of your business and operational metrics.

Who may use our ERP services?

➔Those in the business world who wish to be informed at the correct moment
➔Small businesses with big expansion goals
➔Start-ups or customers of Enterprise Ireland
➔A business in a rapidly evolving market
➔Larger manufacturers and distributors

Our wide range of ERP Consulting Services consists of:

➢Improvement of Business Process Mapping to optimize company processes, eliminate redundancy, decrease overheads and strive towards lean principles, “Agile Consulting” is employed.

➢Process Review and Transformation helping customers to identify areas where system integration and automation might save time, money, and eliminate waste, as well as increase overall profitability.

➢Approvals and procedures for internal controls are developed in areas such as procurement order processing, sales order fulfillment, inventory control, capital equipment registries and vendor payments clearances.

➢Involvement in the selection of new systems or technologies for customers across many different sectors, as well as working with multiple suppliers to source acceptable solutions;

➢Experience in installing new ERP systems, including SAP, MS Navision, etc.

➢The Connected it consulting team works directly with top management in organizations to determine daily, weekly, monthly information requirements, and then designs reports scheduling & automation to meet those needs;

➢Working as a Project Manager, overseeing and leading technology and process transformation initiatives in organizations, is a valuable experience.

Spend no more time and money on ERP installation than is necessary. In addition to years of industry experience and implementation capabilities, Connected it consulting ERP consultants in Ireland have a big in-house staff that has a variety of expertise and a track record of successful ERP deployments.
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