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ERP Steering Committee : The Roles & Responsibilities!

ERP Steering Committee – An ERP project may fall short of its objectives if it lacks direction and governance. A steering group for ERP initiatives is an excellent approach to keeping these track of the project.

A steering group, made up of executive-level officials and other ERP stakeholders, oversees the implementation and ensures that every component is aligned with the company’s strategic goals.

Today, we’ll look at the function of a steering committee in ERP professional project management.       

How Should An ERP Steering Committee Be Structured?

When forming an ERP steering committee, you will include important decision-makers from each business unit that the project may have an impact on. As a result, a cross-functional committee will be formed with ultimate control over all aspects of the ERP deployment.

Among the significant CEOs to be included are:

  1. The President and CEO
  2. The Chief Information Officer
  3. The project manager for ERP
  4. Business executives at the EVP or VP level

How Does The ERP Steering Committee Function?

Let’s take a closer look at what an ERP steering committee should entail.

  • Establishes the direction of the project

First and foremost, a steering committee should be enthusiastic, outspoken change advocates, pushing the benefits of modern ERP Software and business processes to other members of your organization’s team. Along the process, they should keep a close check on the project’s trajectory to ensure it’s progressing toward the planned eventual state.

  • Guarantees alignment within the organization

The steering committee should ensure that every part of the project is in line with your broader business strategy. Members of the steering committee should examine project deliverables regularly to ensure they represent your aims. Various forms of ERP business process documentation, as well as project designs, should be reviewed. 

  • Keep track of timelines and budgets

ERP initiatives frequently take longer and spend more money than anticipated. Hence, an ERP project steering committee must be formulated to provide much-needed reality checks and caution to avoid such crises. Any request for modification or alteration should be submitted to the committee for approval. This allows them to weigh the costs and risks against the advantages.

  • Making judgments and approving modifications

It’s unrealistic to expect an Enterprise Resource Planning project to run smoothly from start to finish. An executive steering committee must be fully prepared for any form of change to your project scope, timeline, or budget. These team members of the steering committee can assess the suggested modifications and approve only those in line with the project’s objectives.

  • Assist with internal resources

Fast-tracking changes are one issue; putting the personnel in place to implement those changes is just another. A mid-level manager cannot expect an SME to take time away from the work day to solve ERP Project Management related issues. In such instances, the leaders on a steering committee have the permission to decide such proposals and supply backfill resources.

ERP Steering Committee Your Project in the Right Direction with Connected IT Consulting!

Creating an ERP steering is among the most proactive measures taken for your project and your business world at large.

Do you find the concept of bringing together CEOs intimidating? If this is the case, our ERP software specialists at Connected IT Consulting may assist you in forming a dedicated committee to ensure a successful ERP deployment.

To learn more, please contact us pretty quickly!

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