ERP System And Why You Need It?

ERP System And Why You Need It?

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ERP System : Specialist ERP consultants like Connected IT have been busy helping companies to address their need for super-efficiency in a changing and challenging COVID environment.

COVID has changed business models and caused havoc for many smaller companies. But for those who had already invested in cloud-based ERP systems, it has not been overly destructive. That’s because employees (even those working from home), have constant access to a central database, that is regularly updated with information from a variety of departments.


Like many, you may be aware of ERP’s, but not fully clued up about it. So, what exactly is this mysterious concept?

Any growing business reaches a situation where centralising information for better decision making, becomes a real challenge.

Enterprise Resource Planning is basically a system of business software. An ERP’s system can be made up of several modules, each with a specific business purpose. A complex ERP’s system, for instance, could comprise system modules for the finance department, HR department, manufacturing, for customer relationship management (CRM), and more.

Each module pulls information from participating departments and updates a central database. Business leaders, therefore, have a complete overview of the whole business in one place. This makes for more rational evaluation, comparison, and decision-making.

Does Our Business Really Need Erp System?

If you run your business efficiently and want to be able to allocate your resources effectively, then you need an ERP Software Packages. ERP’s can help you to become more efficient, improve quality levels, plan and co-ordinate better and identify potential problems before they occur.

The beauty of ERP’s is that, if you make use of professional consultants like Connected IT and put in the right system, then your upfront investment can be funded in a fairly short course. It’s certainly more than worth investigating.

ERP Software

How Will Our Business Benefit From ERP System?

The benefits are too many to adequately address in this article, but in short:

  • Saving on costs – by addressing inefficiencies, cutting downtime caused by breakages and errors, better inventory management, and optimal allocation of human and financial resources.
  • Better reporting and analysing – ERP’s provides reports and analytical tools to address any issue, as well as the ability to live track KPIs against objectives.
  • More effective project management – because you have an overview of the business and of workflow status, you are better able to manage projects and people performance.
  • Great intelligence gathering – the system constantly interrogates departments and provides data, trends, and meaningful insights for decision-making.

Getting It Right!

While the benefits of ERP’s can be profound, putting in the wrong ERP’s system can cause havoc to your budget and even employee motivation.

You’ll need to approach this project with due care and appoint the very best ERP consultants that you can afford. Keep in mind that your initial investment will be more than repaid if the right system is implemented correctly.

Connected IT are the kind of experts that you will need for the process. We’ll work closely with you to thoroughly analyse your business and to find the best ERP’s alternative for your needs. We’ll guide you through the introduction and implementation stages in order to achieve seamless integration of the system into the company.

Finally, we’ll be there along the way to iron out the kinks and make changes and improvements, as and when required.
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