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Communication Challenges can Contribute to ERP failure !

Facilitating open and honest communication among team members and departments is vital to project success. An Enterprise Resource Planning System would certainly benefit from this. A good communication strategy can help you get more out of your new software regarding business advantages. ERP interaction, on the other hand, isn’t always straightforward. 

Today, we will talk about organizational communication issues that can contribute to ERP Software project failure.

Challenges of Organizational Communication

Challenge 1 – Lack of Executive Buy-In

Change can be nerve-wracking for employees, but if employees see their leaders supporting the new Enterprise Resource Planning software, they’re liable to follow suit. However, you can’t expect your employees to rally behind the ERP project if their bosses aren’t doing the same. Executives must attend steering committee meetings and make the final call on important decisions. The best-laid communication plan will struggle if your C-suite isn’t fully engaged. Hence, executives must be present in every implementation phase and be some of the project’s biggest cheerleaders. 

Challenge 2 – Underemphasizing OCM​ ( organizational change management )

It can be challenging to communicate with team members who are frustrated effectively. However, OCM prioritizes the people side of change, ensuring employees have the resources to embrace new processes and technology. A key aspect of OCM is the provision of adequate training for all employees. A comprehensive skills assessment can help you understand what each employee knows and needs to develop. 

Challenge 3 – An Unclear Enterprise Strategy

To be effective, ERP project communication must be cohesive. There cannot be two project leaders saying one thing and the other saying the opposite. Ensure that all members of your project team are on the same page before you begin speaking to them about the project. You can accomplish this by developing a strategic plan that addresses important questions about the size, scope, level of change management, and the pathways to reach the long-term and short-term goals of the project.

Challenge 4 – Not Reaching All Employees

It can be challenging to know who communicates with whom over a given business day. An organization with locations across multiple geographies is particularly vulnerable to this. If you want to understand cross-functional workflows from beginning to end, employing business process management is the way. It can help you visualize the interactions and handoffs that occur daily. With an understanding of these change impacts, you can develop a communication plan that includes personalized messaging for various stakeholder groups.

Challenge 5 – Ignoring Change Resistant Employees

You may have resistant people to the project at first but eventually, warm up to it. There are also long-term nay-sayers who threaten to usurp all your efforts. These detractors may have valid concerns about the Small Business ERP project that you hadn’t considered in some cases. You can discern whether they’re genuinely concerned or just griping by hearing them out. While a degree of resistance is expected, someone who openly complains can bring others down. 

The failure to intercommunicate effectively can derail any ERP project!

You’ll be better prepared to avoid corporate communication difficulties if you know them long before. All it requires is the correct communication approach for change management.

Our network of ERP Consulting experts at Connected IT Consulting can assist you in developing this approach so that you can deliver the correct message to each stakeholder at the right moment. 

For a quick quote or consultation, please get in touch with our professionals straight away.


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