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Business ERP Implementation in 2022

Business ERP Implementation – The installation cycle is a time-consuming process that necessitates both your time and your service provider when it comes to ERP. Gathering your company’s ERP needs is the first step in the ERP installation process, which is followed by selecting the suitable software, configuring and executing the system, data migration, training, going live, and managing ERP support.

On the other hand, ERP Software are more than just selecting and executing software. This is important because the ERP deployment phase affects the benefits you will gain.

As a result, this article will examine the stages and trends involved in adopting an ERP system for your business.

1Business ERP implementation

Phases of Business ERP Implementation

Implementing ERP in a well-defined strategy and with active participation can work wonders. Let’s have a look at what these phases are:
1. The Discovery Phase
The first and most important step in process automation planning is identifying the demands of ERP adoption. Before embarking on the various phases of ERP implementation, the two most frequent yet critical aspects are:

  • When should ERP be put in place?
  • Why do we need to implement an ERP system?

2. The Project Planning Phase
ERP deployment requires a well-planned project. From appointing an efficient project team to assess all current workflows and identify goals for ERP service to budget allocation in the first place, everything becomes necessary in the ERP project planning phase.

3. The Service Selection & Evaluation Phase
The requirement analysis will also advocate for the type of service required in your particular instance. ERP solutions are available from service providers for all departments; however, your needs may differ. As a result, choosing the proper packages may assist you in obtaining the essential SaaS as well as the most excellent subscription pricing.

GAP Analysis

Gap analysis is a crucial evaluation phase in an ERP’s life cycle. It emphasizes the misalignment between requirements and ERP offerings. This gap analysis will be discussed with the leadership to guarantee that you receive the correct Enterprise Resource Planning for your business.

4. The Customization and Testing Phase

This phase primarily comprises work on the service vendor’s end, but it may also include many meetings and discussions for process improvements and bespoke modules’ re-design. The team is tasked with creating the necessary documentation and training materials for their end-users. However, testing can run concurrently with development because the team can test-verify individual ready modules.

5. The Deployment Phase
With the completion of final ERP module testing and end-user training, the ‘time’ has come when you are entirely ready to begin the actual implementation process. Nonetheless, we must set aside the haste and prepare for downtime and other challenges that may arise. At this stage, we will be more patient and resistant to change.

Deployment trends for ERP

The following are three important ways that can be used for Business ERP Implementation :

1. The big bang approach

The big-bang strategy is widely used in a variety of large corporations. The software is installed in one go on a go-live date for the entire organization’s teams. As a result, careful preparation is required, as a single mistake can disrupt all corporate processes.

2. The phased approach
As the term suggests, corporations use this strategy to plan phased deployment based on department, location, manufacturing unit, etc. The risk is lower because it will not significantly impact the entire firm at once, and problems may be addressed quickly if they arise.

3. The parallel approach
Running two operating systems simultaneously is known as running two parallel systems. Teams use this strategy to incorporate a new parallel system while the existing one is still operational. But it introduces its own set of technical challenges, such as data synchronization and end-user issues.


When it comes to optimization and automation, keep in mind that it is always a team effort. With its real-time cost-cutting and saving mechanism, if your ERP implementation cycle went successfully, it may help the company process thrive and achieve new heights.

So now is the time to put one in place for yourself! With the assistance of our consulting specialists at Connected IT Consulting, you can also adopt ERP that is best suited to your business needs.

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