While Enterprise Resource Planning software has many advantages, it’s crucial to proceed with prudence when choosing software. Why? The way you communicate about the ERP solution at this time, for instance, can have an impact on how the rest of your implementation goes.
Previously, corporations have placed a low priority on employee communication. According to one survey, only a small proportion of workers strongly think that their workplace communicates honestly, freely, and on time.
Today, we will give you some Enterprise Resource Planning System communication techniques to help you emphasize ERP benefits and get effectiveness in the workplace.
The five fundamentals of ERP communication
➡ Establish a practical communication framework
You’ll almost certainly get backlash if you give your employees too much information upfront. You must make an effort to frame your communications so that they will comprehend and accept the change. It’s a fine balancing act, but one that may be accomplished with the help of a strategic communication plan.
➡ Develop a knowledge base for FAQs
Your steering committee will do everything possible to address employee questions and clear up any misunderstandings concerning the ERP implementation. However, additional questions may arise, or someone may forget what they learned in a meeting a few weeks earlier. This is why establishing a central FAQ information base is beneficial with which you can tackle common issues, give vital technical facts, and answer logistical queries.
➡ Communicate early in the life cycle of the project
Don’t wait until you’re halfway through a project before discussing the need for change. Hold off until all the specifics are straightened out with your coworkers. You gain control of the project’s story by taking this proactive approach to it. It makes you appear more credible and candid, and you gain control of the project’s report by taking this proactive approach.
➡ Reiterate your points whenever necessary
Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to communicate a slew of fresh material at every meeting. Repetition isn’t a severe impediment to a sizeable organizational shift like an ERP Project Management, especially when it comes to vital information. While it may begin to feel repetitious to you, this is most likely due to your strong attachment to the project. End-users aren’t as involved in the transition as they should be.
➡ Ask and answer questions
The best ERP Software communication strategies are two-sided. It’s just as crucial to transmit project information to pay attention to what employees are saying and asking. Focus on addressing the most critical questions and resolving the most urgent requirements. Each employee brings their unique problems and points of view to the table.
Take advantage of Connected IT Experts’ tips!
You may have all of your project’s technical aspects locked down. Still, if you overlook the organizational change management component, the project may fail. Focus on making every conversation as fruitful as possible by remembering these ERP communication strategies. Answer questions, listen carefully and make sure everyone understands why the change is being pursued and what they may expect.
Our team of ERP development experts at Connected IT Consulting can assist you in creating a strategic communication framework.
For a quotation, please reach out to our ERP Consulting pros at hello@connectedit.consulting or fill up a form here.
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